If a closed door is warm or hot to the touch you may expect to find fire or heated gases when the door is opened. Smoke explosions often occur when air comes in contact with these heated gases. In opening these doors, stand to one side against the wall, turn the knob and push (or pull) the door open quickly. The wall will protect you from flames or explosive gases. Do not enter the room to fight the fire until you can see a smoke-cleared area under the smoke.
To escape from a smoke-filled room, place a handkerchief or other cloth (moist, if possible) over the nose and mouth, drop to your hands and knees and crawl to the nearest door, staying as close to the wall as possible.
If you are trapped on the second or third floor and sheets are available, tie them together using square knots, fasten one end securely to a pipe or piece of furniture too large to pass through a window, throw the other end of the sheetrope out the window and slide down it. The sheets may not reach the ground, but will shorten the distance you will have to drop. This is a dangerous method of escape and should be used only as a last resort when firemen are not present.
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